Concern & action: Commissioning quality

Product/material requires a set of commissioning checks by specialists in order to check the operation parameters are correct and that the product can operate as intended

Suggested actions

Before Implementation

Define commissioning requirements e.g use only system trained and approved contractors for commissioning of measure and put in place checking procedure (commissioning checks). Plan for post installation monitoring of measure performance. Ensure design and supply chain are aware of critical aspect of commissioning quality for success of measure. Provide information in formats that can be understood by a range of people - from the well informed expert to the complete novice. Consider using a supply contract that guarantees quality and performance which requires supplier to put right any failure due to poor commissioning. If quality of commissioning cannot be guaranteed consider alternative product.

During implementation

Carry out independent commissioning checks to confirm installation settings match design parameters.

After implementation

Carry out monitoring of measure performance and check results against predicted performance and act on findings.