MEASURE: Heating system Refurbishment
Servicing and check of current heating system to improve its efficiency
Monitoring & feedback recommended: Yes
Improves current system without major works
Floor insulation between/under floor joists
Floor Insulation on top of existing floor finish
Floor void filled with insulation
Exposed soffits to upper floors: Insulation in between joists or under soffit
Replacement of existing ground floor with new concrete insulated solid ground floor
Increased Floor airtightness
Floor Insulation on top of existing floor finish
Floor void filled with insulation
Exposed soffits to upper floors: Insulation in between joists or under soffit
Replacement of existing ground floor with new concrete insulated solid ground floor
Increased Floor airtightness
Flue gas heat recovery devices
Solar water heating
Waste water heat recovery devices for showers
Cylinder thermostats
Hot water cylinder insulation
New cylinder
Heating controls (for wet and warm air systems)
Heating Distribution Refurbishment
Pipe insulation
Wet Under-floor heating
Background ventilators and intermittent extract fans
Passive stack ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery and with demand control ventilation
Solar water heating
Waste water heat recovery devices for showers
Cylinder thermostats
Hot water cylinder insulation
New cylinder
Heating controls (for wet and warm air systems)
Heating Distribution Refurbishment
Pipe insulation
Wet Under-floor heating
Background ventilators and intermittent extract fans
Passive stack ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery and with demand control ventilation