MEASURE: Window draughtproofing
Fitting draughtproofing strips around all windows.
Monitoring & feedback recommended: Yes
Effective means of reducing (unwanted) air infiltration by over 90%
Cavity Wall Insulation
External Wall insulation
Internal Wall insulation
Frame infill insulation
Loft hatch and ceiling airtightness
Increased Floor airtightness
Energy efficient glazing
Window refurbishment
Secondary glazing
Window Shutters Refurbishment
Window External Shading
Door draughtproofing
Door refurbishment
Chimney blocking
Reduced air flow
External Wall insulation
Internal Wall insulation
Frame infill insulation
Loft hatch and ceiling airtightness
Increased Floor airtightness
Energy efficient glazing
Window refurbishment
Secondary glazing
Window Shutters Refurbishment
Window External Shading
Door draughtproofing
Door refurbishment
Chimney blocking
Reduced air flow
Heating controls (for wet and warm air systems)
Background ventilators and intermittent extract fans
Passive stack ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery and with demand control ventilation
Background ventilators and intermittent extract fans
Passive stack ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with heat recovery
Passive stack ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical extract ventilation with demand control ventilation
Continuous mechanical supply and extract ventilation with heat recovery and with demand control ventilation